
A reusable badge to be earned

Claims are stand-alone attributes, like a diploma without the recipient's name filled in, or a unique rubber stamp. They can be thought of as badges, where the value is dependent on who issued it. These badges are a way to incentivize and validate contributions to the scientific record, and allow building of credibility by recognition in the community.

They are connected to the creator DID, which decides the rules of validation depending on the type of claim.

The assignment of a claim is called an Attestation, which we will cover in the next chapter. A claim on its own is quite abstract, but the next chapter will likely clear things up.


Badge icon

An image representation of the claim, which should be in square aspect ratio and on a transparent background. Preferably in SVG format, otherwise PNG in 300×300 pixels.

Protected & reciprocal status

The attestation of a protected claim is only valid if created by the same actor who created the claim. In other words, all grants of the claim done by any other actor are invalid.

The attestation of a reciprocal claim is not valid until it has been accepted by the owner of the recipient entity. It can be considered pending until then.

All combinations of these two values are distinctly expressive, as shown below. Do note that these examples are merely illustrative, and could likely be represented in other ways as well.

The next chapter includes visual demonstrations of how validation of attestation on the different types of claims is done in practice.

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